
Exchange rate boards

Exchange rate boards inform customers about valid foreign currency exchange rates in banks, exchange offices, hotels etc. They are noted for a simple attendance through a remote control or a computer keyboard and through software support of the communication.

Type No. of columns
No. of lines
No. of places for displaying the rate
Cipher size
W x H x D
TK 1076* 1 6 6 14 335 x 414 x 40 5,0
TK 2076* 2 6 6 14 445 x 405 x 60 6,0
TK 208* 2 8 6 14 445 x 583 x 60 7,0
TK 209* 2 9 6 14 445 x 657 x 60 8,0
TK 210* 2 10 6 14 445 x 657 x 60 8,0
TK 214* 2 14 6 14 445 x 700 x 60 7,0
TK 222* 2 22 6 14 445 x 995 x 60 11,0
TK 224V 2 24 6 20 700 x 1400 x 60 20,0
TK 408* 4 8 6 14 702 x 583 x 60 12,0
TK 409* 4 9 6 14 702 x 657 x 60 13,0
TK 410* 4 10 6 14 702 x 657 x 60 13,0
TK 414* 4 14 6 14 702 x 700 x 60 13,0
TK 422* 4 22 6 14 702 x 995 x 60 18,0
TK 416V 4 16 6 20 1000 x 1020 x 60 26,0
TK 424V 4 24 6 20 1000 x 1400 x 60 34,0
* There is a storage memory installed in exchange rate boards that permanently stores saved data (and also after the switch off in exchange rate board).
Exchange rate boards can be manufactured with various numbers of lines and columns, in various colour variations according to the order within the framework of customer production. Atypical exchange rate boards are also manufactured.


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SK | EN | RU | BY

#fc3424 #5835a1 #1975f2 #2fc86b #fevec9 #eef11064 #060713190811