Communication modules and accessories
Communication modules, adapters etc. enable the usage of communication programs for the respective UPS and the operation system.
For UPS of EM series
Module UK 80
- make possible the automatic monitoring of the UPS standard statuses (fail of the supply network, overload on the UPS output, low accumulator voltage) at the computer, connected through RS 232C serial line
- in co-operation with software periodically notify connected users about nonstandard status of power supply, the time of server's stop, backup to standard status, make operation system and UPS shutdown in the cases of reservation time end or critical status of accumulator
- automatic restart after power supply regeneration
- automatic restart of the power supply environments through the command on the abort of the output potential
- in co-operation with signals distributor UR3 make possible the distribution of the UPS state signals for the most types of servers
- make possible the connection with SNMP adapter and the distributing of the UPS state information to computer network with its help
Module UK 81
- make possible to signal about UPS standard statuses through open collectors (can be used for switching of the LED indicators, for digital input of industry automats and so on)
- make possible the UPS shutdown or restart by power supply signal
Module UK 82
- make possible standard connection with Windows NT server and correct work of operation system
Module UK 85
- converter of serial line into frequency dependent signal transmitted through infradiode
- it processes two UPS statutes (blackout / low battery voltage)
Communication converters
UP 41
- converter designed for conversion of serial link RS 232 signals into signals of RS 422 or 485 links
RSP 12-485
- automatic converter RS 232/485 with voltage stabilizers
UR 20, UC 20Z, UC 20RAC
- signals distributor (concentrator) of UR2 signals is designed to monitor the UPS activity
- merges four RS 232 serial links into one RS 232 (eventually RS 422 or RS 485) and vice versa
- enables to connect up to four devices with a serial link to the server. Devices can be of different types. However, they must be able to communicate in MASTER (server) - SLAVE (UPS) mode
UR 80
- signal distributor / concentrator of 8 serial links RS 232 or RS422, convertor RS 232/422
HC 20, HC 20Z, HC 20RAC
- module enables to scan up to 20 status signals and transfer them into serial link for Globmon monitoring program
- contains HUB of two RS 232 links what enables to connect another equipment to monitoring without additional modules
HC 20S
- statutes outputs for UPS of PSN series
HC 60
- 20 binary statutes of contacts scanning and filtration of scanned statutes
- built-in isolated power supply for contacts scanning
- scanning of analog values limits
- 5 programmable signalling relays
- 40 scanned analog values
HC 08
- scanning of 4 binary contacts’ statuses and filtration of scanned statutes
- analog values limits scanning
- 1 programmable signalling relay
- 4 scanned analog values, 2 probes of external temperature and 1 probe of internal temperature
- wide range of input voltage
MU 105
- single or three phased mains monitoring with neutral wire
- fault will be indicated if a value of measured parameter is out of limits defined by user
- fault indicating (communication line RS 485 / statuses contacts relay)
Network Adapters
Network adapters enable network management of UPS units, DC power supplies, switchboards, generating sets or other devices. Via these adapters can network control stations monitor various statutes of connected devices.
UC 400
- network management of UPS, DC power supplies, generating sets, etc.
- connection to ethernet 10/100 baseT
- configuration through telnet, terminal
- protection against latching
- wide range of DC supply, supplied by 230V mains
- choice of mechanical version
- connection to ethernet 10/100 baseT
- configuration through ethernet
- connection of several monitored PC and devices at the same time
- supports fast fault statuses forwarding
- wide range of DC supply, supplied by 230V mains
- version with external network adapter (UM10D, UM10ID) or with built-in DC power supply in 19“ rack 1U (UM10D RDC)